Holistic Lifestyle Mapping and Design

Tender Hearted supports people in visioning, designing, implementing and maintaining a connected, balanced, joyful and regenerative life.
What we Do :
With inspiring, activating tools, techniques, dynamic visioning processes and Permaculture Design methods, Tender Hearted assists with the creation and implementation of holistic, healthy and enriching lifestyle design the supports individuals to recognize their wholeness and full potential.
If you are interested in having an in person session, we are located on the Lower Sunshine Coast BC. Distance sessions can be done anywhere in the world.

Life Mapping and Design is a customized mentorship program that supports you in seeing where you are at currently in your life, vision where you are going to and create a road map to move from where you are to where you want to be.
It starts with a consultation session that will offer a jumping off point for us to co- create a functional and inspiring design and implementation plan for your ideal life.
During sessions, many out of the box techniques are used to support you in :
- Understanding your core values.
- Living a more authentic life.
- Highlighting skills and gifts you can offer.
- Recognizing resources and assets available to support you.
- Seeing patterns that either support or hinder you in living the life you want.
- Moving through blocks that hold you back.
- Prioritizing where you focus your energy.
- Becoming more organized and motivated.
- Creating an action plan.
- Keeping momentum.
- Taking small and large steps to making your dreams a reality.
Your consultation and individualized program includes take home activities and resources.
If you enrol in a complete package with Tender Hearted, upon completion you will walk away with a physical map and design of your life to guide and remind you of your goals and the step by step approach to achieving them.
The array of techniques used come from a multitude of sources that Kym Chi has compiled over 15 plus years of taking courses, self study and work experience in Energy Work, Permaculture, Creative Facilitation, Group Work, Conflict Resolution, Visionary Art & Energy Portraits, Ancestral Healing, Shamanism, Life Coaching and other spiritual practices.
The amount of sessions required is dependent on the individual and averages between 6 - 12 sessions. The program will always start with an initial free consultation to make sure it is a right fit and to learn about client needs. After the initial consultation, if the client wishes to proceed, Kym Chi will create a program proposal.
If you have questions, or would like more information, please email tenderheartedhealing@gmail.com
Investment :
Initial Consultation (45 min):
Full Program :
If the client proceeds to the full program, the cost will vary depending on program length, averaging between $400 - $1000. Payment plans are available for those in financial need.
Agreed upon trades and soulful exchanges may also be arranged.